Meerut to Kedarnath Distance

meerut to kedarnath distance

Here is a guide on how to reach Kedarnath from Meerut. Know more about Meerut To Kedarnath Distance by road, train, and by Flight.

Meerut to Kedarnath Distance

meerut to kedarnath distance

The distance between Meerut and Kedarnath is approximately 433 kilometers (269 miles). There is no direct road connection between Meerut and Kedarnath.

The common route is to travel from Meerut to Rishikesh by road or train, and then proceed to Gaurikund by either train or road transport. From Gaurikund, you will need to trek for around 16 kilometers (10 miles) to reach the holy town of Kedarnath.

How to Reach Kedarnath from Meerut?

There are various modes of transport to visit Kedarnath from Meerut.

  • Meerut to Kedarnath By Road
  • Meerut to Kedarnath By train   
  • Meerut to Kedarnath By Air

Meerut to Kedarnath by Road

To travel from Meerut to Kedarnath by road, you can follow the following route options. Please note that the route includes both driving and trekking portions:


Meerut to Kedarnath via Rishikesh

Meerut to Rishikesh

Start by driving from Meerut to Rishikesh, which is approximately 190 kilometers (118 miles) via NH334 and NH7. The journey usually takes around 4-5 hours, depending on traffic conditions.

Rishikesh to Gaurikund (Kedarnath Base Camp): From Rishikesh, you will need to travel to Gaurikund, the base camp for the trek to Kedarnath. Gaurikund is approximately 210 kilometers (130 miles) from Rishikesh, and it takes around 8-9 hours to reach by road.

Gaurikund to Kedarnath: Once you reach Gaurikund, you will begin the trek to Kedarnath. The trekking distance is approximately 16 kilometers (10 miles), and it usually takes around 6-8 hours to complete, depending on your pace and weather conditions.

Meerut to Kedarnath Trains

There are no direct train connections from Meerut to Kedarnath as Kedarnath does not have a railway station.

To reach Kedarnath from Meerut, you would need to consider a combination of train and other modes of transportation. The nearest major railway station to Kedarnath is Haridwar. From Meerut, you can take a train to Haridwar and then proceed further to Kedarnath.

Some popular trains that connect Meerut to Haridwar include:

  • Haridwar Express (Train No. 14115/14116)
  • Mussoorie Express (Train No. 14041/14042)
  • Dehradun Express (Train No. 19019/19020)

These trains run between Meerut and Haridwar, and the journey typically takes around 2-3 hours, depending on the train and schedule.

After reaching Haridwar, you will need to take other modes of transportation like buses or taxis to reach Gaurikund, which serves as the base camp for the trek to Kedarnath. From Gaurikund, you will need to trek for approximately 16 kilometers (10 miles) to reach Kedarnath.

Meerut to Kedarnath Flight

There are no direct flights from Meerut to Kedarnath as Kedarnath does not have an airport. The nearest airport to Kedarnath is the Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. From Dehradun, you can opt for other modes of transportation to reach Kedarnath.

To travel from Meerut to Dehradun by air, you can book a flight from Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGI Airport) in Delhi to Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun. Several airlines operate flights on this route with multiple daily flights.

Once you reach Dehradun, you will need to continue your journey to Kedarnath by road. You can take a taxi or a bus from Dehradun to reach Gaurikund, which serves as the base camp for the trek to Kedarnath. From Gaurikund, you will need to trek for approximately 16 kilometers (10 miles) to reach the holy town of Kedarnath.

Kedarnath Distance from Major Cities

Note: This distance is directly from the Kedarnath Temple including the Kedarnath Trek which comes after Gaurikund in Rudraprayag.

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