Delhi to Kedarnath Distance by Road, Train, Bus, Flight

In this article, we will help you out on how to reach Kedarnath from Delhi in the best possible way. Suppose you are planning your trip from Delhi To Kedarnath, then, first of all, you have you reach Haridwar. From Haridwar, there are many transport options to start your journey from Haridwar To Kedarnath.

Hold on, we will tell you each and every detail about How to reach Kedarnath from Delhi by road, or train? How to Reach Kedarnath Temple by Helicopter? Kedarnath distance from Delhi. how to reach Kedarnath from Haridwar?

Delhi To Kedarnath Distance

Delhi To Kedarnath distance
  • Delhi to Kedarnath distance is approximately 466 kilometers.
  • The exact distance will depend on the specific route you take, as there are a few different ways to reach Kedarnath from Delhi.

Note: This distance is directly from the Kedarnath Temple including the Kedarnath Trek which comes after Gaurikund in Rudraprayag.

It does not matter whether you are traveling by train, air, or by road, Haridwar and Rishikesh are the main points from where you have to start your journey to the hilly area.

These are some essential spots for your sacred Trip :

Delhi to Haridwar or Rishikesh to Devprayag to Srinagar to Rudraprayag to Tilwara to Agastamuni to Kund.

After reaching Kund you have to go to Guptkashi to Phata to Rampur to Sonprayag to Gaurikund and then finally Trek to Kedarnath Temple.

How to reach Kedarnath from Delhi?

How to reach Kedarnath from delhi

If you are planning your trip from Delhi to Kedarnath. Then, first of all, you have to decide on your mode of transport. Because there are three options available in your hand.

First is Kedarnath by Air, Second is Kedarnath by Train, And third is Kedarnath by road.

Delhi To Kedarnath by Road

Kedarnath distance by Road
Kedarnath distance by Road
  • The quickest route is usually to take the NH9 highway from Delhi to Hapur, then continue on the NH34 to Moradabad.
  • From there, you can take the NH7 to Rudrapur, and then take the SH49 to Kedarnath.
  • The entire journey by car will take around 12-14 hours, depending on traffic and other factors.

How to Reach Kedarnath from Delhi by Road

Once you reached Dehradun or Haridwar or Rishikesh, then you have various options for transport. From Dehradun itself or you can go to Rishikesh which is 20 Km away from Jollygrant Airport.

Delhi To Kedarnath distance by road is 466 km.

By booking a taxi service or local transport to Sonprayag, your journey will be in the beautiful range of the Himalayan mountains along with the holy Rivers like Ganga and Mandakini flowing beside the Highway.

  • Generally, It is a 5-6 hours long journey from Dehradun Airport to Sonprayag.
  • After reaching Sonprayag, your last destination is Gaurikund which is 5 km away.
  • Kedarnath is easily reachable from Gaurikund by foot via the Kedarnath trek of 16 km.

The place is further connected with major cities like Chandigarh (524km), Delhi (466km), Mumbai (1912km), Kolkata (1699km), Lucknow (730), Rishikesh (227km), Dehradun (267km) and Haridwar (252km).

Gaurikund is connected by motorable roads. And buses and taxis from important spots like Rishikesh To Gaurikund, Dehradun To Gaurikund, Uttarkashi To Gaurikund, and Tehri, Pauri, and Chamoli are easily available.

Delhi to Kedarnath Bus Ticket Price

There were no direct bus services available from Delhi to Kedarnath. However, there are buses available from Delhi to the nearby town of Haridwar or Rishikesh, from where you can travel further to Kedarnath by other means such as taxis, shared jeeps, or trekking.

  • The average price range for a bus ticket from Delhi to Rishikesh was around INR 400 to INR 800.
  • The average price range for a bus ticket from Delhi to Haridwar was approximately INR 300 to INR 600.

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Kedarnath Distance from various Cities of India

Here we are sharing a detailed Route Map & Distance Guide on how to reach Kedarnath from major cities in India.

Click on Any Route below and you will redirect to a detailed Guide on that Route.

⦿ Delhi To Kedarnath (466 km)
⦿ Rishikesh To Kedarnath (227 km)
⦿ Haridwar To Kedarnath (252 km)
⦿ Dehradun To Kedarnath (266 km)
⦿ Mumbai To Kedarnath (1912 km)
⦿ Chandigarh To Kedarnath (524 km)
⦿ Jaipur To Kedarnath (758 km)
⦿ Lucknow To Kedarnath (730 km)
⦿ Ahmedabad To Kedarnath (1431 km)
⦿ Banglore To Kedarnath (2558 km)
⦿ Chennai To Kedarnath (2609 km)
⦿ Kolkata To Kedarnath (1699 km)
⦿ Pune To Kedarnath (1913 km)
⦿ Hyderabad To Kedarnath (1685 km)

Delhi to Kedarnath Flights (by Air)

Delhi To Kedarnath flights
Delhi To Kedarnath by Air
  • To travel from Delhi to Kedarnath by air, you will need to first fly to the nearest airport to Kedarnath, which is Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun.
  • From there, you can take a taxi or hire a car to reach Kedarnath, which is located in the state of Uttarakhand in northern India.
  • The journey from Dehradun to Kedarnath by road is approximately 240 kilometers and takes around 8-9 hours by car.

Jollygrant Airport in Dehradun (on Rishikesh Road) is the nearest airport to Kedarnath.

How To Reach Kedarnath from Delhi by Air

Jolly Grant Airport is situated at a distance of about 239 km from Kedarnath. After landing at Jollygrant Airport from Delhi Airport, you can hire a taxi from Haridwar or Rishikesh to Gaurikund.

  • You can reach by road covering 225 km and the remaining 14 km on foot.
  • Domestic flights are available from major locations to Jollygrant Airport.

There are also chopper and helicopter services available from Rishikesh and Kedarnath.

Delhi to Kedarnath by Train

Delhi To Kedarnath Trains
Delhi To Kedarnath Trains
  • You can also reach Kedarnath by taking a train to Rishikesh and then taking a bus or taxi the rest of the way.
  • The journey by train and bus will take longer than driving, but it can be a more convenient and cost-effective option if you don’t have a car.

Delhi To Kedarnath Train Timings & Stations

Regular trains from Delhi to Haridwar and Delhi To Dehradun are available at all times of the year. After that, you can hire a cab or get a bus from the station.

Rishikesh is the nearest railway station that is situated at a distance of about 227 km from Kedarnath Temple. Taxi, as well as bus facilities, are available from the railhead.

There is as such no problem regarding how to reach Kedarnath Temple.

Delhi to Kedarnath Train Ticket Price

There is no direct train connection from Delhi to Kedarnath. The nearest railway station to Kedarnath is Haridwar or Rishikesh. From there, you can travel further to Kedarnath by other means such as taxis, shared jeeps, or trekking.

  • The prices for train tickets from Delhi to Haridwar or Rishikesh can vary depending on factors such as the class of travel, train type, and availability.
  • The ticket prices for a train journey from Delhi to Haridwar or Rishikesh range from approximately INR 200 to INR 1500 or more, depending on the class of travel.

Plan Your Kedarnath Trip:

Gaurikund To Kedarnath (Distance & Route Map)


There are so many transport options Gaurikund is accessible from major destinations of Uttarakhand, and the roads towards Kedarnath Temple only stretch till Gauri Kund.

After that, you have to take a 14 km trek towards the sacred shrine Kedarnath Mandir. Palkies and ponies are also easily available here. And if you have a good budget, then you can also hire a helicopter service during the peak season of the Yatra.

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Also Read: Kedarnath Trek Travel Guide

The hard journey to the great abode of Shiva is well remunerated with the spiritual atmosphere which is created by the peaceful sober and splendid beauty of the region.

The magnificent Kedarnath peak (6,940 meters) stands behind the temple with other peaks, forming a perfect setting for the holy land of the supreme deity (Mahadev).

The conical-shaped Shiva lingam (hump) in the Kedarnath temple is a unique feature and one of the 12 jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva.

Best Time for Yatra:

Helicopter Services in Kedarnath

helicopter serivices in kedarnath

The hard journey becomes much easy because of the daily helicopter service from the helipad in Phata village in Kedarnath. Some operators also offer a helicopter service from the town of Agustmuni in Rudraprayag.

Devotees can visit the Kedarnath shrine and also return the same day as the helicopter service flies at regular intervals from Phata and Agustmuni helipads. 5-seater helicopters are operated by different tour companies.

Kedarnath Helicopter Services Timings

The last helicopter back to Phata leaves at 11:10 AM and those tourists & pilgrims who wish to spend a whole night at this pure land of Lord Shiva can choose to take this flight the next morning. Even on the same day devotees can get the return flight and get around 1:30 hours for darshan in the temple. Temporary Accommodation options are available at both Phata and Kedarnath.

Kedarnath Helicopter Services Route & Cost

Price may vary according to the Helicopter company you choose.

Here we are showing you the price of Pawan Hans Limited Helicopter Services Online Booking.

  • Phata – Kedarnath – Phata = Rs.4798/- Per Passenger (2 way)
  • Phata to Kedarnath = Rs.2399/- Per Passenger (1 way)
  • Kedarnath to Phata = Rs.2399/- Per Passenger (1 way)

The cost/price for one round trip from Phata-Kedarnath-Phata comes to INR 4790 per person with excess applicable taxes. One-way helicopter round trip can also be booked according to availability. A one-way ticket costs between INR 2,300 to INR 3,500 with applicable taxes.

It will be a 14km trek beginning from Gaurikund to reach the Kedarnath Temple, situated at the bank of the Mandakini River.

Check the Helicopter Booking Prices Here

Palkis and Ponies Services in Kedarnath

Price Charges for both Palkis and Ponies depend upon the distance, nature of the trip (one way/round), uphill/downhill journey, same/next day return, and weight of the passenger.

Horses, ponies, and Palkies are available to climb up this steep path. Though the flash floods of 2013 desolated Kedarnath, work is being done to resuscitate it to its former glory. The trekking path to Kedarnath is a little different. The Nehru Institute of Mountaineering has set up sheds at every few kilometers where the devotees can rest during this uphill trek. It is better to wake up early in the morning for the temple since it is closed between 3 PM to 5 PM.

While here, you may also trek 3 km ahead from the main temple to visit the beautiful lake, Chorabari Tal. Trekking 4 km ahead, you can see beautiful Himalayan peaks being reflected in the crystal clear waters of Vasuki Tal.

Complete Travel Guide

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